Calf Skull with Bulldog Syndrome


This is for a $150 resin replica cast from the real Bulldog calf skull pictured. The cast is made with a resin very very close in color to natural bone. This is currently THE only chondrodysplasia (bulldog syndrome) calf skull cast available online! The cast will come in two pieces: the top of the skull and the removable jaw! The first picture (darker background) is a picture of the real skull to show you the size. All other photos are of the cast that you’ll receive. Please scroll down to read the rest of the description, expected wait times, etc.


This is for a $150 resin replica cast from the real cow skull with bulldog syndrome pictured. The cast is made with a resin very very close in color to natural bone. This is currently THE only chondrodysplasia (bulldog syndrome) calf skull cast available online! The cast will come in two pieces: the top of the skull and the removable jaw! The first picture (darker background) is a picture of the real skull to show you the size. All other photos are of the cast that you’ll receive.

Lethal chondrodysplasia, also known as bulldog syndrome is a well-known congenital syndrome in cattle and occurs sporadically in many breeds. This particular calf was born from a miniature zebu cow and was roughly 6 months gestation before it was aborted.

Because these are resin replicas, they can be shipped internationally! Because of the varying cost of shipping throughout the US and the world, shipping costs will be calculated per order, and you will be notified via email or phone with an exact shipping cost once your cast is made and is ready to ship out. Since these casts are so small, we estimate shipping to be less than $8 in the US and under $20 for international orders (hopefully less, but we won’t know exact amounts until the casts are packaged up).

I want to state one last time: These casts are made to order. You will not receive your cast skull until after they are made. They will be shipped out on a first come, first served basis and may have a wait time of up to two weeks depending on when you ordered.


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